[To be read after you’ve watched the Season 3 finale of Sleepy Hollow.] It’s not you, it’s me. Well, actually, that’s not true. It’s mostly you.
Tag: Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow: Delaware
[Warning: Spoilers ahead] One of the things required of watching genre TV is that you suspend your disbelief, to a point. There’s also the unintended
Sleepy Hollow: Dawn’s Early Light
YAS. This is what I was talking about. With three episodes left to go, Abbie and Crane were together for almost the entire hour of
Sleepy Hollow: Incommunicado
At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I kind of need to know now if we’re getting a fourth season of Sleepy Hollow, and I hope
Sleepy Hollow: Into the Wild
On the face of it, it might reflect badly that I seriously didn’t realize until last night that I had not written up last week’s
Sleepy Hollow: Dark Mirror
Well, well, well. I was sort of answered in my request for an actual air-clearing between Crane and Abbie on Friday’s Sleepy Hollow, and while
Sleepy Hollow: Sins of the Father
Was I alone in being 100% sure that Nevins was dead? Because I was wrong. He’s back on Sleepy Hollow this week, playing the victim
Sleepy Hollow: Kindred Spirits
In this week’s Sleepy Hollow, Abbie is back at home with Crane, but she’s haunted in a way she can’t quite put her finger on,
Sleepy Hollow: Incident at Stone Manor
Sometimes you have to look past the ridiculousness of the “how” and just revel in the “what.” Tonight’s Sleepy Hollow put Crane and Mills back
Sleepy Hollow: One Life
Good news/bad news. Good: Sleepy Hollow is back, and Crane is deliciously angsty. Bad: Abbie sits out the entire episode. As y’all know, I do not