[Warning: General spoilers ahead.]
Allegiance is back on CBC and CBC Gem this Wednesday with a second season premiere that fast forwards past the tumult of the Season 1 finale. In the premiere, written by series showrunners Mark Ellis and Stephanie Morgenstern and directed by David Frazee, Sabrina Sohal (Supinder Wraich) has arrived at the first day of her six-month probationary assignment to the Serious Crimes Unit of the CFPC.
Paired with Kara Degas (Crystal Ballint), who hand-picked her, she finds herself dropped into a particularly nasty case that plumbs the seedier side of keeping the Internet safe when a former employee of a tech firm (Juan Riedinger) is on the run after the death of his partner and fellow former employee.
While Sabrina’s working that, she has to bury what she knows about the insider setup and attack on her father, Ajeet (Stephen Lobo).
Thankfully, she’s not too far from her still-uniformed besties Gilian and Luke (Melanie Papalia and Lachlan Quarmby) and her mentor, the unretired Vince Brambilla (Enrico Colantoni), who all have her back as she spreads her wings into forensics and more detailed investigations.
Over the course of the season, we’ll see her adapt to a new partner, Zak Kalaini (Samer Salem), a transplant to Surrey who joins the series next week after the team is rattled by a particularly brutal resolution to the season premiere’s case.
Behind the scenes, we can look forward to Ellis, Morgenstern, and returning series creator Anar Ali being joined by a #CdnTV who’s who of creatives behind of some of our favorites, including writer-producers JP Larocque (Coroner, Slasher, Jann, Sort Of), Anusree Roy (Transplant, Killjoys, Skymed), Penny Gummerson (Trickster, Cardinal, The Order), and Sarah Dodd (Cardinal, Motive) and directors David Frazee (Da Vinci’s Inquest, Orphan Black), Nimisha Mukerji (Under the Bridge, Big Sky), and Sharon Lewis (Sight Unseen, Transplant, Law & Order OG, OC, and LOTCI) among a fantastically diverse creative team.
The Allegiance Season 2 premiere, “Unsee This” airs linearly at 9 p.m. (9:30 NT) Wednesday on CBC, and streams beginning at 9 am that morning on CBC Gem. Here’s a sneak peek.
Photo shot by Darko Sikman; Courtesy of CBC.