You might recall that back in September, I was lucky enough to chat with the cast of Being Erica just as Season 3 was getting under way. At last month’s Gemini Awards, Reagan Pasternak, otherwise known as former queen of mean Julianne Giacomelli, was not only nominated for her work on Being Erica, she was also a presenter. I caught up with Reagan on the Gemini red carpet, and she shared some of her thoughts on Season 3 so far, and what’s in store for Julianne.
This season, we’ve seen a very different side of Julianne, now friend and business partner to Erica, although we’ve caught a glimpse here and there of her mean side. Reagan remarked, “I was so worried that people wouldn’t like the direction cause she’s not quite as mean as she used to be.” I have to admit that although I really loved her character in the first two seasons, I’m really enjoying this other side that is being explored this season.
One of my favourite episodes in Season 3 has to be “Bear Breasts”, particularly the scene in which Ivan (co-owner of Goblins with his significant other, Dave), out of curiosity, asks Julianne if he can feel her breasts. Reagan shared this with me about that scene:
“I have to be honest, I’m pretty open minded and our writers are incredibly open minded which I love. When I was told about that episode, I was very nervous. I was like how is this going to be taken, what are people going to think, is it going to be too much? Believe it or not, that was the watered down version that everybody saw. I was afraid to find out the feedback, but a lot of people seemed to like it. I haven’t heard any negative comments. I think it was a brave thing for our show to do.”
When asked if Julianne will find love, or if 50/50 Press has her heart and soul, she had this to say:
“My lips are sealed! (Laughs) They have a little idea for me for hopefully in Season 4 (note: it hasn’t been confirmed if there will be a Season 4 yet), so they’re kind of leading up to that. It’s very weird, but I’m excited.”
I asked Reagan her thoughts on the new cast members that have been introduced this season, particularly Adam (Adam Fergus), and she commented:
“Isn’t Adam amazing? That was a pleasant surprise. I was skeptical (a sentiment that I shared with her), but that guy can act.”
I have always found Being Erica so appealing because the characters and storylines are very relatable, time traveling aside, and Toronto is portrayed in its true glory. I wanted to know Reagan’s feelings on being part of a series that has captured this picture of being a thirty-something living and working in Toronto. She remarked:
“I give credit to Jana Sinyor, our creator and writer. She’s based a lot of the topics on our show around personal experiences. She’s such a smart, amazing woman who writes from her gut, and obviously it shows. To take a time travel show and make it seem real, it’s not the easiest task in the world.”
Canadian fans, there are only 2 new episodes left in Season 3 of Being Erica. Tonight is the Season 3 finale at 9pm on CBC (there is a Holiday Special airing on December 15th at 9pm). And for my American friends, Season 3 of Being Erica begins on SOAPnet January 26th.
Photo Courtesy of CBC
I just watched the last episode of Season 3 and I really hope they decide to do a Season 4. This show has touched me in so many ways. It holds firm to a belief that I’ve always had about not being able to change your past, but taking those events and learning from them to shape your future. I’m so glad this show just didn’t have Erica going back to change the past and fixing her life that way. I can’t wait to see what the writers have in store for us!!