2012 will be just a memory very soon – in fact, it’s already 2013 in some parts of the world – and you know what a new year means? The highly anticipated return of Lost Girl!
One of the highlights of this year was visiting San Diego Comic-Con and checking out the Lost Girl panel on Saturday evening. Earlier that day, I chatted with the always lovely star of the series, Anna Silk, who teased a bit of what was in store for Season 3, and about the amazingly passionate fans who have made this show a success.
Here are a few fun highlights:
- Season 3 will explore how Bo’s power evolves, what that change looks like, and how it effects things.
- With regard to Bo discovering that Trick is her grandfather, she mentioned that if someone makes a dirty joke in front of Rick Howland, she gets a bit protective and says, “Don’t say stuff like that in front of my grandfather.”
- Bo and Kenzi are excellent names for kittens!
You can watch the full video below, and be sure to get ready to welcome Lost Girl back on Sunday, January 6th at 9pm on Showcase in Canada, and on Monday, January 14th at 10/9c on Syfy.
Photo and Video by Melissa Girimonte, Copyright © 2012 TheTelevixen.com
She’s an amazing woman …. thank you for sharing Melissa ! 🙂