Now that you’ve seen the season premiere of Haven, get the scoop from star Emily Rose on the new season, how she plays Audrey, and more!
On Audrey’s reaction to the new woman in Duke’s life:
“I think Audrey kind of reacts in the way that a lot of us girls that have good guy friends react. I think we kind of act that we’re totally fine with it, but we kind of secretly wish that we still had their attention and I think that she’s kind of struck by the fact that this girl is in his life. And I think she just ends up falling back in to what she normally does when she’s a little curious is I think she just observes. I think she’s an observer.”
On what challenges her about playing Audrey:
“I think just her mystery of herself and where she comes from. I constantly am challenged by her toughness and how she would handle trying to walk that fine line between trying to be a nurturer and helping people that are troubled, with also the tough skin and the defensiveness that she had to build up individually in order to last all these years without a family or a home or without knowing anything about her background. That’s a constant challenge for me.”
On whether she patterned Audrey on other strong female TV or movie characters:
“I did watch Silence of the Lambs again to just refresh on the kind of the toughness and the tenacity that existed in Clarice. But, she’s also a bit different from her, and so I didn’t want to do that identical thing. I also didn’t want to watch Fringe anymore and I didn’t want to go back and watch X-Files, because I knew that I was entering this family of that genre, but I wanted Audrey to be very distinct and different. And I think she is in the way that she’s very quirky and sort of odd and very bantery and kind of comedic, you know, less kind of stoic and less serious. She knows that what she’s dealing with is serious, and so people that deal with tragedy on a regular basis it can wear on them either in a very warring way or they can combat it with like comedy or sarcasm or things like that, so I tried to go that route. But, I think this year when you kind of deal with her identity getting yanked out from under her, I think it starts more on the warring side, but not initially, no.”
And on why she thinks the audience keeps tuning in:
“I think because they really like the central characters and they really like the quirkiness, and hopefully the humanity that is displayed through their plight with being in this town. And I think it’s also, obviously there’s the week-to-week being able to see what kind of trouble they’re going to face next, but I honestly think it’s the relationship between these three central characters and just kind of the complexity by which their relationships exist. Duke and Nathan are at odds with each other, yet would die for each other in a heartbeat, so what is that about? And Audrey and Nathan like work so well together and, you know, is there anything more between them? We don’t know. We kind of keep watching to see. And then, Audrey and Duke, you know, just kind of brings out a different side of her. And then also, is she even who she is? I think all of those things wrapped up into a quirky talent is kind of neat to shake that eight ball every week and see what pops up.”
Watch Haven on Fridays at 10/9c on Syfy in the US or Mondays at 10 on Showcase in Canada.
Photo Courtesy of Syfy