It’s Sunday, and that means a new episode of Anne with an E on CBC. Here’s a sneak peek at Season 2, Episode 8, “Struggling Against the Perception of Facts.”
“I’m not going to give myself over to someone and be a pretty-ish piece of property without a voice or ambition.” – Anne
“Sometimes I find bigotry very inconvenient” – Bash
Bash finds Avonlea is not a welcoming place, especially when he needs medical help. Gilbert takes him to a doctor in Charlottetown, where Bash learns of a place called “The Bog,” where he meets someone who captivates him.
“There’s still some fight in these old girls yet.” – Rachel Lynde
Marilla and Rachel head to Charlottetown where Marilla is scheduled to see an oculist for her headaches and vision problems. On the train ride, they run into Bash and Gilbert, and take a stand in the face of injustice.
While in Charlottetown, the ladies show a bit of daring, including some flirting from Rachel.
This episode is filled with excellent moments, and includes — in my opinion — one of the most beautifully shot scenes to date.
Here’s a preview of “Struggling Against the Perception of Facts.” Watch Anne with an E, tonight at 7/7:30NT on CBC.