As we gear up for tonight’s season finale, I thought I’d take a look back at the return of one of TV’s most iconic series, the one that watercooler chat was probably born from – Dallas.
Although my viewing tastes have changed dramatically since Dallas was last on the airwaves (ie since I was a child and watched what my parents watched), I wasn’t sure if this would be my cup of tea any longer. But all it took was hearing the first few notes of the theme song and I was sucked back in!
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Dallas.
Revisiting the Ewing family has been a great way to spend the summer, and here are some of the highlights so far:
Oh JR and Bobby, will you ever get along? You’ve both been through so much together. What’s it going to take for you to ever be on the same page? Blood is thicker than water, but it’s not thicker than oil! I guess if they got along all the time, it would make for some boring TV, so thanks for bringing your bickering into a new century for us!
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Dallas.
Sue Ellen seemingly has her life together and is on the path to becoming Governor, although she got into some hot water to help her son and her political aspirations may have been snuffed out as a result. It’s also been pretty cool to see Lucy Ewing, Cliff Barnes and Ray Krebbs again.
As much as it has been exciting to see some familiar faces, this story is really about these two guys – John Ross and Christopher, cousins who were raised as close as brothers, and who grew up to have the same dysfunctional relationship as their daddies! Sometimes they work together, but mostly, they’re rivals.
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Dallas.
The season started off with a beautiful wedding between Christopher and Rebecca and was quickly torn apart by the family feud, unfinished business between Christopher and former love Elena, and Rebecca’s brother/boyfriend. Oh, and as Bobby faces a cancer diagnosis, he sells Southfork to a conservancy that turns out to be an elaborate scheme for John Ross to gain access to the oil on Southfork’s land, that is until JR gets wind of things and tries to take it all for himself. Turns out the Ewing clan was all fooled and Southfork’s fate now lies in the hands of Venezuelan mobsters. And how could I forget, the next generation of Ewings are on their way as Rebecca discovers she’s pregnant with twins.
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Dallas.
Last week’s episode ended with a bang – and I’ll be tuned in tonight to see who shot who, and to say farewell to Dallas until next season!
What has been your favorite moment of this past season? And how have you enjoyed the return of Dallas?
Disclaimer: was selected to participate in TNT’s Dallas Roundup Network. We were not compensated for writing this post, but received episode screeners.