A trip to Austin, TX would not be complete without paying tribute to one of the finest shows ever to film in that city – Friday Night Lights! A few of the FNL stars were on hand for the 2014 ATX opening night red carpet, and I was beyond thrilled to have a chance to chat with them!
This clip features Louanne Stephens, who played Grandma Saracen, one of the most beloved characters on the series. (In fact, at the next evening’s FNL Tailgate Party, her photo line was the longest.) We chatted a bit about her time on FNL and her current role on Longmire, but once she found out I was Canadian, we mostly we talked about her favorite sport, hockey. When asked if she is ever a mentor to the younger talent that she often works with, she said that she’s not often asked for acting advice, but she does have some excellent tips for a long and happy marriage.
Photo and Video by Melissa Girimonte. Copyright © 2014 TheTelevixen.com