Well, tonight’s episode of Walking Dead was beyond epic, and the moment that nearly brought tears of elation to the eyes of my significant other was a certain hooded figure that comes to Andrea’s rescue during a zombie onslaught in the woods.
I haven’t read the comics, but I could tell by certain people’s reactions that this was an epic reveal, and sure enough, during the after show Talking Dead, Robert Kirkman announced that not only has the totally kickass character Michonne – a kitana wielding lady with two zombie pets chained to her – made her way into the TV series, but actress Danai Gurira has been cast in the role.
You might know Gurira as Jill on HBO’s Treme, but I most recently saw her in a phenomenal film, The Visitor.
I think I need to get reading those comics at long last , especially to help pass the long long months ahead until the Season 3 premiere this fall.
What do you think about this casting news? And what was your reaction to Michonne’s debut?
THE VISITOR………That’s where I know her from! I can’t wait for the fall!!!!!!