[Warning: General spoilers ahead.]
We didn’t get to pre-screen this episode of Slasher when it ran on Chiller, but no reason we can’t tease it for our Super Channel friends! Last week in Episode 3, “Like as Fire Eateth Up and Burneth Wood,” we bid adieu to Brenda (sniff!), and when we pick up this week, Sarah is reeling and understandably ragey.
While she sorts through her feelings, The Executioner marches on, this time with a tandem target that reveals some secrets related to the night that Ariel disappeared. Also look for Sarah to commiserate with Robin and get a housecall from June, and Dylan to make some seriously shitty judgment calls regarding his wife and Tom.
Slasher airs at 9/8c Fridays on Super Channel. Here’s a sneak peek. In case you missed it, click here for my exclusive chat with Wendy Crewson.
Photos and Video Courtesy of Chiller