Everybody’s favourite US Marshal is back! Tonight’s the Season 4 premiere of Justified and we’ve got a fun little Take 5 for you with star Timothy Olyphant! Here are some highlights of what he shared in a recent press call:
- When asked how Raylan will deal with the revelation about Arlo at the end of Season 3, he responded that Raylan is not really going to deal with it and added, “I think that Raylan does his best to try not to deal with those kind of things, that’s what makes him Raylan.”
- One thing it doesn’t look like we’ll be seeing any time soon is Raylan as a daddy, despite the Season 3 reveal that Winona is pregnant. Olyphant said that whether or not we see Raylan as a father depends on how long Justified stays on the air. He added, “I like the idea creatively as far as storytelling’s concerned of Raylan being a father.”
- Patton Oswalt has joined the cast this season as Constable Bob and Olyphant couldn’t say enough about how good he is in the role. “Patton Oswalt is money, I mean, that guy is so good [he] makes it a little tough for me to get through a scene with a straight face and yet he’s so serious and fantastic. It’s just been a pleasure working with him.” He also mentioned that Chris Chalk has been a great addition to the series. We’ll meet Chalk’s character in the season premiere and he’ll play a bigger role throughout the season.
- Apparently we’re not going to meet too many new baddies this year but we will see more of the ones we already know and loathe – or love in some cases! Olyphant said, “The good news is you get a lot more of Boyd Crowder and you get more of his crew.” This includes a new character, Colt, played by Ron Eldard. Jere Burns also returns as Wynn Duffy.
- Olyphant doesn’t only play the starring role on Justified – he’s also an Executive Producer. He shared, “I am very thankful for the opportunity and it’s made the job just thoroughly enjoyable and thoroughly challenging and it really has been a pleasure to be able to have permission to work with the writers and the directors week in and week out in that capacity.” He also mentioned that the writers on the show are “amazing” and “the fact that they come up with what they come up with week in and week out is some kind of miracle.” He stressed that he’s not a writer and that his job as an EP is to “just keep poking at it and keep asking questions,” then went on to say, “I have the luxury of not having my name on the page and I think that gives me a certain amount of freedom to shoot out ideas of any kind … I think because I’m not a writer it gives me a certain vantage point. That sometimes can be helpful when I engage with the writers and collaborate with them in that way.”
Catch the Season 4 premiere of Justified tonight at 10pm ET on FX in the US. Canadian fans, the new season begins on Super Channel on Wednesday, Jan unary 23rd at 9pm ET.
Photo Courtesy of FX