Gotham‘s first season wasn’t easy on Barbara Kean, and Erin Richards played her descent into darkness with perfection.
During the Gotham press room at San Diego Comic-Con 2015, Erin chatted with us about what’s coming up for Barbara in Season 2, and it sounds insanely amazing! Here’s a bit of what she talked about during the round table interview:
- Barbara is going to be even more out of control this season. The characters she meets in Arkham Asylum will help shape her, especially her relationship with Jerome (Cameron Monaghan) and new character Theo Galavan (James Frain).
- Now that she’s more in touch with her real self, Barbara gains power by exploiting weakness in people.
- Erin is very excited about Barbara’s direction this season, and says that a darkness was always there. The Ogre just brought it out in her. She mentions that Barbara used to drink and find other distractions, but now she’s the “most Barbara she’s ever been.” Erin added that Barbara is joyous in her darkness.
- There is still a connection between Barbara and Jim. He also has a darkness within him, and that draws them to each other.
Watch the full video with Erin below, and check out tonight’s Season 2 premiere of Gotham.
Photo and Video by Melissa Girimonte. Copyright © 2015 The Televixen