Tomorrow night marks the beginning of the end for Fringe as its fifth and final season gets under way. I have to say that this series has been very close to my heart and although I will miss it terribly, I’m glad it’s getting the proper ending it deserves. My first visit to San Diego Comic-Con also happened to be Fringe‘s final visit there, and I was thrilled that I got to take part in their press room. Up until tomorrow night’s season premiere, I’ll be sharing some of my video from that memorable and emotional press room, starting with this one featuring Lance Reddick.
Here’s just some of the highlights of the clip below:
– Reddick talks about the emotional panel that took place just before the press room. He mentions even though it was in the biggest hall ever at SDCC, it felt very intimate because of the warm reception by fans.
– He touched on playing the future version of Broyles and the makeup job that it’s going to take to bring him into 2036.
– Reddick shared that he learned some of what has happened in Broyles’ life between the present and 2036. He also touched on what it’s been like to play different versions of the same character over the seasons.
– He said that it’s very exciting working toward a definitive ending.
Check out this video, and be sure to watch the Season 5 Premiere of Fringe tomorrow night at 9/8c on FOX and 9 ET on CityTV in Canada.
Photo and Video by Melissa Girimonte, Copyright © 2012