The “Day of the Doctor” has finally arrived, and Whovians across the globe will be gathering to watch today’s epic Doctor Who event! To help get you ready for the festivities, here’s our clip featuring Jenna Coleman and Matt Smith from this past summer at San Diego Comic-Con!
Watch the full video below, but first, here are some highlights:
- When Jenna joined the cast, Matt already knew he was going to be leaving. Matt had some informal conversations with Steven about it well in advance of the official announcement
- Jenna is looking forward to helping the new Doctor get adjusted to the role just like Matt was when she joined the series
- When asked about the impending regeneration scene for Eleven, Matt trusts that Steven Moffat will write something “brilliant, heartfelt and imaginative”
- Both Jenna and Matt said working with David Tennant, Billie Piper and John Hurt was like a maaster class in acting, and there were definitely some “pinch yourself” moments
- I asked Jenna about the big reveal regarding her character last season, and she shared her excitement when she learned that Clara is such an integral part of the entire Doctor Who mythology.
- They talked a bit about the royal set visit, showing the Prince of Wales how to fly the TARDIS, and mutual shoe appreciation between Charles and Matt Smith.
Photo and Video by Melissa Girimonte. Copyright © 2013